Advanced Ghost Hunting Equipment

In my previous article, I expounded on the basic, or popular, types of ghost hunting equipment. The tools mentioned there were standard cameras, digital cameras, standard video recorders, and digital video recorders. In this article, I will share with you some ideas on advanced ghost hunting equipment. If you are an avid ghost hunter and paranormal expert, you will benefit from having these tools. If you want to be an avid ghost hunter, these tools may also prove to be quite beneficial in your research.

Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) Equipment

No ghost hunt is complete without electronic voice phenomena or EVP equipment. It is believed that the “noise” that is received with this type of ghost hunting equipment can interpret sounds of spirits. In many cases, it is delivered as static. However, many ghost hunters have actually contested to the fact that the noise was specific words. There are several types of EVP equipment that you can choose from. These include handheld ones, clip on, and holster ones.

Thermal Equipment

Thermal equipment is also a piece of equipment that no avid hunter can go without. This type of equipment tracks the temperature in a certain room. It is believed that if there is a spirit present, the temperature will drop dramatically. However, there have been times when professional hunters have noticed a spike in the temperature of the room that they were researching. There are basic models, electronic models, and even those that implement the use of a laser beam.

Electromagnetic Field Equipment

Electromagnetic Field or “EMF” equipment is also a great tool for the advanced ghost hunter. It is believed that if a spirit is in a certain area, the numbers on an EMF machine can pick up on this energy field. When the energy field is established, the ghost hunter can focus all of their tools and resources on it in an effort to catch paranormal activity and more!

Directional Equipment

When ghost hunting, it is important to ensure that you purchase directional equipment. GPS navigational units, maps, and compasses may prove to be beneficial tools in the field. This is especially true if you are not completely familiar with a specific area and/or location. It is equally important to ensure that, even when you have this type of equipment, that you inform someone that is not going to the site with you of where you will be, and what time you expect to return. This will ensure that if you do become lost, or your equipment malfunctions, someone on the outside will be expecting you!

Various Types of Ghost Hunting Equipment

There are several other pieces of equipment and items that you may find to be beneficial

when it comes to learning more about this field, and exploring certain areas. These include:

1. First Aid Kit
2. Cellphone
3. Flashlights
4. Walkie Talkies
5. Dowsing Rods
6. Surveillance kits
7. Protective clothing
8. Motion Sensors
9. Extra batteries
10. Of course, a partner to explore with!


If you are interested in seeking out spirits, it is essential to have the right equipment. The items mentioned here are wonderful in establishing proof of life after death. Create your own kit of ghost hunting equipment and enjoy your night out!

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