The Renaissance Hotel – One of the Most Haunted Places in Virginia

by Julia M.
(New York - United States)

True Paranormal Activity in Virginia Beach Hotel

True Paranormal Activity in Virginia Beach Hotel

When it comes to haunted places in Virginia , I would have to say that the Renaissance Hotel in Virginia Beach is one of the most haunted. I have personal experienced unexplained phenomenon and what seems to be true paranormal activity at this haunted hotel.

It all started when my cheerleading team went to Virginia for a competition. Our team stayed at the Renaissance Hotel. We had two meetings over two nights in a row. I was there for both of these meetings. To pass time, I went from room to room. I was seeing where all of my friends were staying. There were three locations in the haunted hotel where strange things happened. These were the 4th floor, the elevators, and the Ballroom.

The 4th floor had a lot of different strange things happening and is why I think the Renaissance Hotel in Virginia Beach is one of the most haunted places in Virginia. First, it was very cold. In fact, it was colder than any other location in the building. When I went to the 4th floor, I immediately got goosebumps. My friend was with me and we both felt as if we were being watched.

We made our way to the room that she was staying in. Right before getting there, we heard an unexpected knock coming from her door. It caught us off guard, but, we figured it was others on the team. We went on into the room but we were surprised to find that no one was there. We later found out that the rest of our friends were downstairs.

The elevators in the Renaissance Hotel were very creepy. First, they would take you to floors in the building that they weren’t supposed to. Not only that, but when you were in the elevators, you got a very eerie feeling.

My team was warming up in the Ballroom of the Renaissance Hotel. This is another area that has me believing that this is one of the most haunted places in Virginia. It was very cool in the room. That was a little strange, especially considering we were doing stunts and practicing for the competition. At one point, I felt a hand grab my arm and pulled. I had another girl in my hands and it almost made her fall. The lighting in the room was also very dim.

I would have to say that the Renaissance Hotel is very haunted. If you want to visit real haunted places, you should stay at this hotel in Virginia Beach.

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Paranormal Spirits Abound at Haunted Hotel in Virginia
by: Haunted Places to Go

Thank you for sharing information about one of the most haunted places in Virginia. It does seem as if you had direct experiences with paranormal spirits. If you have any other experiences with real haunted places, please feel free to share with us! We truly appreciate your contribution!

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